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Guess The Airport

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.... On this planet John! ♬ There is a house.... ♬

Thanks for popping in Fred and good to see the qualifications coming on!

Pleasure. I have been poking my head in, but never got round to posting! Things got very hectic once I got into the CPL phase of training, and the last two months in Bournemouth doing the IR have been crazy! But still, back on the ground now...and about to make the next step into jets. Excited...me....never. I owe a lot of people on here many thanks, because if it wasn’t for the FS community, I would have never pursued the passion and taken to the skies.

Hey, Fred - Thanks for checking in!

Dead on, Mulletman. Haven't seen you in these parts in a while. Welcome back.

Cheers all! It’s good to be back...if a little spooky. I have no idea what I am doing with all these buttons though.

I hope you have been keeping well! Sorry for disappearing for as long as I have...the real world took over somewhat, but thanks for remembering me! I'm going to try to make some more regular contributions. Hopefully get something of interest up on the next couple of weeks. (If Joe lets me).

Right, on to the proper business.

Everything in front of you is a clue. I apologize for the embarrassingly low quality images. I have been away from the Flight Sims and screenshot edits for a long long time, and I’m still playing around with settings/controls etc. Still, these are FS9, with some basic (and I mean basic) scenery. However, everything is there, albeit in an old format. The grass strip you see running alongside the main runway, according to the current plates (the real ones, available freely online), is now paved, and the main has become 36R/18L. That is another runway you see in the background, and the plates say there should be two of them, (again, L and R)



Plenty more clues available if needed....but I don’t think they will be.

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First clue) In one particular Asterix and Obelix adventure, an unfortunate pirate captain's boat gets blown up by "an infernal device in the form of a cheese." Which adventure was that?

Second clue) One of the world's great military strategists was born here (in the province)

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Close. Very, very close. Just a bit further north.

I feel a bit rude jumping the topic, becuse really, rosariomanzo (sorry, i don't know your real name :th_blush: ) got this one. However, i *think* can awnser the clues.

LFKT Corte, Corsica,

Im not an Asterix fan, but i think its Asterix in Corsica, http://www.asterix.c...in-corsica.html, making the leader Napoleon. (according to wikipedia at least) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsica

If i am right, rosario practically got it for me so is welcome to post the next guess. (I have one, but will wait incase you have one to go).

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Corte it is. I'll give this one to you, mulletman. Rosario was close, but not quite there (sorry, Ros). :(

As for the clues; you're quite right. Asterix in Corsica featured the poor's pirate captain's ship being sunk by a Coriscan cheese, which makes one wonder how good an aid to digestion it is (certainly, have no candles in the toilet :D). And Napoleon was born in Corsica. My third clue was going to be that this airport was inland, whereas all the others are on the coast.

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As we haven’t heard anything from Rosario, i will put the next one up. So here it is…hopefully a bit harder…but I doubt it.

Just the one picture, but with plenty of clues. Scenery is default FS9, with Ground Environment. Again, the picture is embarrassingly low quality, but hopefully I will sort that out before too long.


On a random side note, there is a topic on the forum at the moment about what sim got you hooked, and although it was a sim called ‘Team Apache’ that caused me to have a love for flight simulation, it was learning to fly this aircraft with its detailed systems, checklists, and SOP’s that exploded my interest and caused a career transition to stop messing around in MSFS, and get myself a real ATPL. Now, I’m sitting waiting for a courier to deliver my CPL/IR.

I really need to learn to post screenshots without a back-story…

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I'm going to stick my neck out and say Dade Collier - KTNT

You got It! In FS9 (i assume its the same in FSX), its named as 'KTNT - Dade Collier Training and Transition.'

Joe...here be the clues...I was just being sneaky!

On a random side note, there is a topic on the forum at the moment about what sim got you hooked, and although it was a sim called ‘Team Apache’ that caused me to have a love for flight simulation, it was learning to fly this aircraft with its detailed systems, checklists, and SOP’s that exploded my interest and caused a career transition to stop messing around in MSFS, and get myself a real ATPL. Now, I’m sitting waiting for a courier to deliver my CPL/IR.

I bet you thought I was just being big headed! Most were references to TNT....The PMDG link is not so obvious, and you would only know it if you followed the same tutorial that i did when learning to fly the 737NG. But to cut a log story short the 5 flight tutorial is based here. I would give a little more information on that tutorial...but i cant find it on that-website-that-shall-not-be-named any more...probably a victim of the hack.

I was probably a little misleading with the phrase 'on a random side note'

Anyway...well done Rob. Obviously a Times cryptic crossword fan. Over to you!

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Actually, it was a complete fluke/shot in the dark - I didn't read any of the clues.

I burned the advanced PMDG tutorial that someone created years ago to a CD (it was removed from a download sites due to copyright infringement with the charts I think). The tutorials were based out of Dade Collier using the -700, it just so happened that as I was reading this post I knocked the CD out of the bookcase and though ahhhhh!

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