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I'll take a stab with the Saunders-Roe SR A/1 but I don't think it's right. I'm not reading the clues right because, to me, the three pic's look like totally different aircraft.

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Wing struts above the wing have to be big - they're in compression rather than tension and have to be beefy enough to not buckle. Wings struts below the wing are in tension and the load-bearing elemen

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What a cock up.

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Fighter plane, high wing, one pilot. Nose looks like the F4 Phantom. Can't see them, so assuming there's two engines, one on each wing? EDIT: no, second picture shows the engine, long and thin, tucked right against the body, forming part of the wing.

Looks like a Valiant (apart from cockpit), but according to Wiki that saw service. Also looks like a Tupolev Tu-16, but that also saw service.

How close are we getting now?

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Nowhere near it yet guys, I thought this would be easy. I'll give you until Sunday, then if no-ones got it I will reveal it's identity.

A few more hints; It has a very famous manufacturer, It was in a fly-off with a very famous winner. The Russians copied bits of it for a successful aircraft in service with them. If you can identify THAT aircraft it will give you a big clue as to what this one was intended for. all the pics so far are bits from the same large photo. Like it's competitor, and the Russkie, it's a single seater! One of my previous replies gave you a good idea as to where to look!

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I know what it is. The Canopy gave it away and your clue about the competition. It's The Northrop YA-9. It partook in the A-X program with the YA-10. USAF picked the YA-10 that later became the A-10 Thunderbolt II.

I think the USAF picked the better looking aircraft too because that YA-9 is just uglyer.

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Finally !! LOL, Yes it is indeed the Northrop YA-9 :D



It was of course copied for the Sukhoi SU25 Frogfoot. The reason this aircraft wasn't chosen was due to the vulnerability of it's engines in the Ground Attack role. The A10 could lose one of its engines and a complete fin and tailplane yet still fly! this one couldn't. game over!

Over to you Sean.

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Way to go Sean. :clapping: I was way off myself Rob. The canopy looked like a jet fighter but the tail looked like something off a larger lumbering type plane and the wing section was also giving me trouble. :stars: Good one Alan :thum:

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I'm in a big hurry. SWMBO is on my case as we're leaving for the airport. However, I was confident that I had the right A/C so I prepared my next offering before hand.

Hopefully, not too difficult




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I'm thinking I'm seeing the tip of third, center rudder bigger than the others, buy that may just be an over-active imagination.

There's also something odd mounted on a trapeze arrangement under the port wing - suggesting a military version of something.

I can't find anything with a strake next to the landing light like that.


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Sorry to take so long to get answers out. I'm completely off the plot with you guys time-wise.

John: No, not a Beech, Yes, military

Brett: Sorry, not the Monospar

Alan: No, not Herr Messerschmitt

Dizzy: No, not Lockheed

And here I thought this was too easy.



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Gosh John, I missed your comment to Dizzy. See the previous post:

John, No not a beech, YES, MILITARY

Another hint: definitely a tail-dragger

Produced 1971 - 1973

It's time for another chunk of the photo. Let me change computers so I can add a photo to a post. Darn Crapple!

I'll be back in a few and edit this post.

After a few ;) (beers), here's the edit......




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