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Active Sky 2012 30% off over Easter.

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Hi Nigel,

I think any company would be prepared to take a lower margin for a limited period to boost sales which may not have come their way. Public holidays are ideal times to launch a special offer, TV is crammed full of Easter offers here at the moment,

I paid full price (although I upgraded) for AS2012 but that was the day it was released, it's a sign of modern times that if you wait long enough a deal would come along, it never used to be like that.



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yeah i know Joe but it destroys the market place. i think they are cutting their own throats by doing this, i would much prefer to make a sale at 80% of normal pricee than no sale at 100% but this has to be from the start otherwise the next time you release a product noone will buy it because they know a month or two down the line you will be able to buy it much cheaper. Perhaps they are already suffering from this reaction as they have had sales in the past?

I was thinking of buying it a month or two ago when it came out, but have rex installed and couldnt see the point of having 2 weather progs which do you prefer?

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Hi Nigel, that's dfficult to answer without breaking my NDA with REX but they both have their merits, sorry to be vague, it shouldn't that long before REX Essential is released and I am sure there will be plenty of public comment!



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