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Edit This! - A just-for-fun editing challenge

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Having seen the posts (or more accurately lack of them) here in the Arts & Edits forum, i thought that i should do something about it!.

So, fellow hangarians, thank you for attending the launch of this, the very first (and quite likely last depending on uptake!), Mutley's Hangar "Edit This Challenge".

Now then, you can totally forget the "but i cant do it, im no good with Photoshop" thoughts! You most certainly do not need to be a whiz in Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, GIMP or even MSPaint to join in - whatever your skill, everybody is welcome to have a bash at this and i really do encourage you all to give it a shot... you never know, it could be some good fun!

So, without further ado, I present to you our very first 'base image'.

There are only three rules for this challenge:

  • 1 - You must include the base image in your edit. It may be edited to suit if you require (i.e. cropped, colour edits, converted to mono, edited to remove/add certain parts etc. etc.) but the base image must be recognisable.
    2 - Remember this is an aviation forum, so atleast one aircraft must feature in the edit.
    3 - HAVE FUN!!

click the link the picture to get the full res version!


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Great Idea Simi, can we do more than one edit?


Of course you can, the more the merrier!

As for your 1st attempt, however... does that plane belong to The Borrowers?? It's awfully small scale compared to the trees!

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Hey guys,

Only just seen this post and its late so thought i'd just try a quick edit using old shots from when i first started doing FS screens.

Hurricanes Hiding from the bombers...


I know its a bit rough but i love the idea of this post.


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some great edits arriving now fellas, steve that 2nd version is awesome...just one question, do you know anywhere i can get stock pictures of military folk?? i.e. pilots, mechanics etc etc

and panos, why not give it a try yourself... anybody can edit, thats what this whole thread is about!

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This is the best I could do...


I am not familiar at all with adding in pictures from other sources... because when I add it, it is in its own little background, and therefore looks completely different to the picture's background that I am adding it to. For example, If I have a picture of concorde taking off in grey skys and want to add it to blue skys or cloudy skys, it looks ridiculous because the box around concorde is grey whereas everything else is blue... How do you do it?



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Nice idea with the baloons Tap, good shot.

With dropping another picture in im not sure this is the way rather the way i do it. If an aircraft is in the sky its usually quite easy, simply select all then with the magic wand deselect all the sky. Because its very bright it will find the edges to your aircraft quite easily and thats what i did for the Hurri in the air. For the one on the ground was a little tricky as it had much scenery i did not want in the shot. For this one i selected the aircraft with the selection tool as close as i could using the wannd whenever i could. Then its simply a case of eraseing what you dont want. For this i use freehand and also do small selections especially for straight lines. A little blending and blurring here and there and you have your image ready to be dropped in.

One thing i think is very important is making sure what ever you drop in has the right lighting for the photograph otherwise it will look very stuck on. Main ingrediants for this would be Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation and color balance.

Hope this helps.....


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Steve, that one really was the icing on the cake, very fitting for remembrance Sunday :yikes:

Tap, that is an excellent edit for a newbie, be careful though, it's addictive.

Phil, can't fault it mate :sad: I was in a dilemma about how to get one aircraft let alone two in the sky and in the shot. The tripod finished it off nicely.

Some great edits, Simi, this your baby, where's yours?


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1. What is a "newbie"?

2. Please, Phil, can you tell me how you added the extra aircraft, as reef's method is a little too complicated for me and there must be a simpler way :yikes: (I hope you did it differently???)

3. GREAT EDITS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! :sad:

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Some great edits, Simi, this your baby, where's yours?


Its in the works! These things cant be rushed you know!

Well, since i was hurried :sad:... hows this for you Mut?

I call it "Hurricane Trio Salute"


Also, for you TAP (and others who dont know how to use some of the more advanced Photoshop Tools yet) i think you'll find this link extremely helpful!

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Tap: I use Macromedia Fireworks for my edits..

It has a majic wand tool that selects anything of the same or similar colour, and you can vary the 'tolerance' to get a wider or smaller range of colours selected. It then becomes quite simple to delete the sky and ground, and then you can zoom in and use the eraser tool on fine details around the edge of the aircraft.

Hope this clears things up, ,if not, sorry :sad:

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Ah well done Simi, great shot I wouldn't expect anything less!

1. What is a "newbie"?

Just a saying for someone who is unfamiliar, new to it that sort of thing, it was a compliment :sad:


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Heh must be hurricane season :sad: Nice edit although some crazy pilots....Think i need to watch the Battle of Britain again !! And wheres the new BoB from maddox? That was shaping up to be a mighty fine combat sim.


The new BoB game from the 1C Maddox team is called "Storm Of War". Last i heard (and that was rather recent) was that it's due in Spring 2008. From the in-game screenies and videos release by Oleg and the gang, Storm Of War - like its predecessor IL2 - looks to be a mighty good sim indeed!

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