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I've gone for the virtavia - although now a new problem...

I need to know the landing speeds etc and all the performance info bcuz its not in the manual, anyone have this info?


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Fuel efficiency is already off with this plane, but i still like it :D , actually is my favorite in AH. I have the one from Area51, and its a great plane. When i bought it, i was searching for info on the net , and the opinions are that the Virtavia has great sound , the Area 51 VC looks more like the real plane. I'm fine with the sound too. Had a few bugs ,like when turning on the navigation lights in the VC, engine nr3 goes for full throttle :D , but i found the glitch in the panel.cfg and fixed it. I was able to land on short grass strips with it, the reverse th. has great stopping power. For landing 140-145 knts is good speed. Was'nt able to land without flare though, as the real ones are doing it.Not without penalty :whis: . Good luck with your new plane, you will enjoy it.

Btw, there is one more, the free one from the UKMIL, that was my first, but it has some problems at the cargo capacity (about 45000 lbs), it was not enough for my AH intentions :cool: .

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Yeah I went for both the Area51 and the Virtavia in the end - I heard some people mix and match the two with the VC from one and model from other. I have not tried this yet as I am satisfied with the Virtavia model and VC.

The only thing that does not seem to work on the virtavia version is the vertical speed of the autopilot - it is stuck at its default in the aircraft config 500ft per minute - I am working on changing this :)

Thanks for the feedback mate

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I went for both the Area51 and the Virtavia in the end - I heard some people mix and match the two with the VC from one and model from other. I have not tried this yet as I am satisfied with the Virtavia model and VC.

The only thing that does not seem to work on the virtavia version is the vertical speed of the autopilot - it is stuck at its default in the aircraft config 500ft per minute - I am working on changing this :)

Thanks for the feedback mate

No doubt. The Virtavia C-17 is better and worth the higher price.

Just for your information in case you are using the ISG-Instruments. ISG is including particular c-17 Instruments that can be used with your Cockpit 2D + VC. My personal Panel.cfg file that allows to work with the original instruments + the ISG using the original C-17 Cockpit Buttons.


Screen Shots included.

C17A-Check + C17A_Ref-erence HTML files are both in the 'Virtavia C-17 Globemaster III' Folder in FSX.


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