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Hello, I've recently been doing research on some old airplanes, and the one that I think pops out is the ercoupe/aircoupe. Does anyone know where I can find one (Payware or freeware)?


Wyatt :thum:

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I flew one of these when i was a low houred pup in the bahamas, it was simply the most horrible experience i have ever had , in a hot climate with downdrafts from local towering cumulous it didnt have enough up elevator to get you out of trouble, it was supposedly unspinable but the aelerons were also so ineffective that if you had a wing drop because of turbulence on final you had to try to go around as they didnt have any rudder pedals with which you could help the aelerons . It was like flying a sponge, it went where it wanted, as you gently tried to convince/cajole it to go where you wanted it to. I think the only reason it never killed a lot of people was simply because everyone who owned one was too terrified to fly the damn things.

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