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Oil-Rig Shuttle default Mission...

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Some screen shots from the FSX Oil-Rig Shuttle (default) Mission using the MS Bell 206B. This Mission has some spectacular animations as the oil-rig explodes - a very exciting one which will keep you on your toes...

Here we are, mid way through the Mission, approaching the oil-rig after picking the 2nd crew member:


The last man is on the gantry - he's got to be rescued...


... before the rig blows up:


And the crew taken safely back to Rotterdam:


Maybe I'll make another video (Aarghhh! No, spare us, Please!! - Ed)

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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I revist this mission often and still have trouble with the gantry rescue part although I have completed it many times. I still do a save before starting the rescues because success is not always guaranteed on every try. :rolleyes:

Awaiting the video..........(older tunes is always appreciated)

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Ah - so the gantry is landable? I must try that. Only problem, you stay around the rig too long, or get too close to the cranes, and you develop a fuel problem, nes pas? :whis:

As for the video, well, I'll have to find the right track first ...

Or, maybe, have a mission with a fire at the Needles Light-house?

Thanks again!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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*Starts Mission Impossible Music* :whis:

"Good morning, Mr. Williams. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves the recovery of a stolen item designated "Chimera."

You may select any two team members, but it is essential that the third member of your team be Sharon de Village-Bike. She is a civilian, and a highly capable professional flight attendant.

You have forty-eight hours to recruit Miss de Village-Bike and meet me in Seville to receive your assignment.

As always, should any member of your team be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions.

This message will self-destruct in five seconds."




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