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This month is a pretty open theme.


I would like to see pictures of your most favourite simulated RW aircraft in any situation that it is designed for. (So no looping 747's  :D )

The more interesting the shot, the more likely it is to win!


Competition closes 23:59 UTC 28th Feb 2013.


Good luck! 

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I might like to try this, Joe.


Here's a favourite of mine. I hope this is OK as the plane DID fly in the RW, albeit somewhat briefly.




And another favourite, off the East Coast of Australia




Final entry: Calling it "Moon over Ranier". AH Skyhawk doing its best




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Look what effects my pride and joy makes!




Quite fun really - luckily not real either! Just getting the bomb to drop is an achievement!


A pair of prides now, from Marham




And finally, the world's finest 757, G-OJIB. bit of a 'hoo-haw' when this aircraft went to Africa.....





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with this months theme, I just had to use this paint!


April 7th, 1945: Lt Richard Candelaria breaks through the clouds over Germany in his P-51 "My Pride and Joy", to find that his squadron is not there yet:






what happens next can be seen here:


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Good story, great pilot, The guy undoubtedly was a very skilled aviator and did a fantastic job here. (Not withstanding the fact that America came late to the party and the RAF and the Luftwaffe had been doing this sort of thing for a couple of years before they turned up! :P  ;) )

I have to laugh at the sensationalism and drama of the commentator though! Unfortunately that's a common problem with a lot of these American produced documentaries. If you watch similar sort of things by British produced shows they tend to be much more matter-of-fact. 

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You bring up a good point Alan, I noticed I didn't fall asleep watching this one :P  but let's save this debate for another thread and get back to posting contest screenshots. :)


Huey for those hard to reach places



WACO coming back in after the pure pleasure of an open cockpit dusk flight



Shutting down the Avia57 after completing Leg 7 of the GARR 2013 Rally





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Hey folks, it has been a while since I posted but with the topic of this month's competition, I just had to add my contributions. It took me hours to choose which is to be my favorite RW simulated aircraft, as there as so many superbly made models for FSX, then I came up with the idea of choosing one from the following catagories:


General Aviation Pride & Joy:



Military Aviation Pride & Joy:



Commercial Aviation Pride & Joy:



Best of luck to everyone.




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Pic3 of my Pride and Joy. DAN-AIR Comet 4. Early morning flight leaving Gatwick full of holiday makers heading for the sun.Taking a two weeks Package Holiday to Mallorca in the late 60's.


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