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About delidan77

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    Ground Staff

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  1. Thank you all for your responses, I have started getting into FSX again as it has taken me a month or so to purchase the Saitek flight stick I wanted. I have accepted that i am stuck for the time being with an i3 processor but i think i will look to increase the memory on my PC to 8gb, will this improve the graphics? I have been told it wont and that the only thing that does effect the graphics is the graphics card itself. My graphics card is an intel HD 1.65GB, is this sufficent to produce the kind of graphics that i am looking for? At the moment though I have taken a step back in worrying a
  2. How do you know your frame rate? I have my setting at about 25fps at the moment.
  3. Hi, Thank you all for the advice, I think the issue would be my computor however I will learn to live with the graphics it gives me which are still pretty impressive. I do have another issue now though, I installed Aerosoft London & London City airport last night however when I attempt to do a free flight to explore my computor either freezes or is 0% loaded for ever. Is this once again my computor or do i need to adjust the settings? Is an Inter Core i3 processor just not up to it?
  4. Hi Within the last week I have purchased FSX and become memerised by it, although great I am not overly interest in the aircraft but am really interested in attempting to recreate the scenery to be as realistic as possible. Having spent a few years living in Australia I decided to purchase my first add-on in the form of Orbx Hervey Bay Airport. Once I figured out how to install it I was amazed by the results however the more I compare my graphics to those I see on youtube I am eager to find out how to get improve my graphics further. As far as i am aware Orbx uses photographic images of Herve
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