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About jerrynewby

  • Rank
    Ground Staff

Profile Information

  • Name
    Jerry Newby
  • Location
    Idaho, USA
  1. Hi Brian, I think you mentioned that you preferred "low and slow", like a Cessna 172. Is that a C-172 shown on the center monitor of the pictures of your setup? I too. prefer low and slow... I just purchased the A2A 172 Trainer and I can't say enough good things about this add-on. I have some IRL time in Cessna 172's and I can tell you it is the closest to the real thing that I have found in twenty plus years of flight simming. If you don't have it yet, you should get it ... I highly recommend it!!!!! Your setup would be perfect for this plane. Regards, Jerry
  2. Brian, That setup is very professional, I can see where your wood working skills came in handy. What software are you using to control the hardware? Regards, Jerry
  3. Thanks for posting the pics of the new setup. Looks great. I could do a similar thing, I am using a Samsung 27" (16:9) for my main monitor and I have a spare 24" (16:9) that I' not using at the moment. I was thinking of going to a two projector setup, but that would entail a considerable expense and take up a fair amount of room. I have a few questions I'd like to ask if you want to shoot me a PM. Thanks, Jerry
  4. If it's not too much trouble shoot us a picture of the new setup with the 29" monitor. Thanks, Jerry
  5. I really like the look of the 21:9 format. Looks like it would be a good compromise if one didn"t want go to the expense and all that is entailed in a three monitor setup. Did you notice a substantial frame rate increase between the three (16:9 X 3) monitor (5760X1080) setup and the single (21:9) LG Ultra-Wide of (2560 X1080) resolution? Regards, Jerry
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