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  1. OK.I have an FSX with PMDG 747-400. WINDOW 7. The PFD (primary Flight Display ) and the ND (Navigational Display ) are the only two that I can not put in one of the monitor. I am using six monitor. Three for the hole scenery and the rest for instruments. The cockpit has Saitek yoke, throttles ,Radios ,gears up/down and also AFDS Mode Control Panel. Is this sufficient information? Thanks
  2. Hi my name I MANUEL.How to install the PDF And ND (Glass Copit ) in my home made cockpit in one of the monitor.Can any one help me with that? Thanks
  3. I have home buolt a 747 cockpit with AFDS-EFIS,PEDALS,4-THROTTLESand 6 MONITORS. The firs 3 for scineries, and the rest for instruments. How I can put the PFD and ND (Class cockpit) into a monitor. So far I can not do it? Does any body can helpme with that? thanks. MANUEL
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