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About ferrariman15

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    Ground Staff

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  1. Navigraph is a subscription based service yes, but it gives you the latest plates which are now supplied by Lufthansa. I don't use Vatsim any longer but from what I remember the plates that are linked to are some very old Jeppensen plates. But its obviously entirely up to you
  2. Navigraph charts app now available for IPad from the App Store. Go get it guys it's really good.
  3. Wow that's certainly a welcome! It's sad to see the froogle forum close but I have my own opinions as to why it never really took off. Anyway very much looking forward to being part of MH forums!
  4. Wow that's certainly a welcome! It's sad to see the froogle forum close but I have my own opinions as to why it never really took off. Anyway very much looking forward to being part of MH forums!
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