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About nshooter35

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    Ground Staff
  1. Thanks for the replies everyone. I suppose one question is now inaccuate is the ftx scenery? The ideal would be using gen x with accurate auto gen. I have read about using open streetmap to create autogen scenery. Has anyone had any experience of this? Thanks
  2. Hi everyone I have had a search of the forums and seen a number of suggestions on how to get the best VFR scenery for the UK. I have tried Gex X photoscenery and also FTX England. The photoscenery looks great but is very flat, which I don't like. FTX looks great but I have read it is not very accurate, and also I can not see any power lines / wind turbines. I have also seen the Power Project but have not used this yet. I was wondering what you would suggest in terms of trying to get the most realistic VFR scenery. I tried the GenX scenery and the openVFR objects addon - but this did
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