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About dnunes

  • Rank
    Ground Staff

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  • Name
    Domingos Nunes
  • Location
    Santo Antonio dos Cavaleiros, Portugal

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  1. Hello Andrew, While preparing the flights I was still with 4.4 and the airport was just the same. I have Global Base and openLC Europe. It must be VECTOR that is making the the difference. Regards, Domingos
  2. Enjoying the MEBAR! It is a nice way of getting an idea of the Greek islands. I have just flown Leg 4: Surprise! The Kasos runway is half over water! I am running P3Dv4.5, with OrbX Europe. Has someone else an identical situation? Regards, Domingos
  3. Hello! I am now preparing my navigation for the first legs of MEBAR. I have been working in the first three legs and had the following problems: a) Flight Leg 2: I could not find waypoint 6 - PRV NDB b) Flight Leg 3: Waypoint 3 - Z11W: what is it? I am running P3Dv4.4 and Plan G. I hope someone can help... Regards, Domingos
  4. I thought it was only me... I was preparing my first flight using Plan-G and I couldn't find either the NTD NDB nor the SKI VOR. The same happened when I tried to find them in the Navigraph charts. May I assume that do not exist anymore? Anyway I will use the information above to "create" them, as I presume they do not exist in P3D. Good flights to all! Regards, Domingos
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