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About N85988

  • Rank
    Ground Staff

Profile Information

  • Name
    Monica Duerr
  • Location
    Southern California
  1. After posting my first pirep and finding out that I had missed the pdf that explains the routes we are supposed to fly, I flew the first leg over again so I can say to myself that I flew the actual route, which, by the way, was alot more fun and challenging. It is even more challenging because my flight planner does not have several of the navaids in the database, so I have had to research them to find out where they are and plan my route with user waypoints instead. I use FSCommander, and it has been a challenge planning the routes with the database it created when I installed it. Fortunately
  2. Never mind. I see there is a document that has specific route instructions for each leg. I somehow missed this. I thought we were using our own navigation planning.
  3. I'm not sure I flew the correct route for flight 1. I thought it was from ENGM to ENSN, but the schedule shows 181 miles. When I planned my route, even with adding TOR vor, my route was still only 88 miles, so my score ended up only 52. Is there a particular route I was supposed to fly, or am I supposed to make a plan between the two that equals 181 miles?
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