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Marty Moose

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About Marty Moose

  • Rank
    Ground Staff

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  • Name
    Marty Moose
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  1. Hi guys, gals new to simming used to be real world pilot had an ultralight flew across Australia that sort of thing. I have just purchased a Boeing 737 800ng flight sim have MIP, EFIS, MIP, CDU, PEDASTALL AND OHP ETC Eclosed Cockpit’s frame. I have to build the switches and gauges but MIP EFIS MCP CDU working. It was running on prepar 3d v 3.4 I decided before,getting to much into it I would upgrade to preparv4.5 my mistake. I guess it was right thing to do had to upgrade sometime thought it best to do so before making to many changes. Sim uses 4 pc master and 3 slaves SIOC connected on a
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