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For Dai Belgium free scenery

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here are a few random pics of the Belgium free scenery i use  i thought it inappropriate to hijack their thread advertising their wares, for those watching their pennies i find this totally adequate however these pics are as fsx makes them not tarted up for publicity pics . not saying any dev co  would do such a thing of course.

using the hackneyed old phrase  you pays your money ----------









i certainly find the colours a lot better than gen x uk

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hi Dai the guys who created this scenery have had difficulty finding a site where it could be downloaded from there are 14 files on avsim but this link is much easier , yes it is a torrent site but it is ok

http://dl.dropbox.co...um 2012.torrent


if not do a search on avsim and download all the 14 files from there  on this link there are only 3 files

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here are a few random pics of the Belgium free scenery i use  i thought it inappropriate to hijack their thread advertising their wares, for those watching their pennies i find this totally adequate however these pics are as fsx makes them not tarted up for publicity pics . not saying any dev co  would do such a thing of course.

using the hackneyed old phrase  you pays your money ----------





For the record, NO MSE screenshots are "tarted" up for publicity. They are also exactly as "FSX makes them". Straight 'v' key captures. The only thing we do is drop them into our screenshot template to add the logo and text. Otherwise, no image manipulation at all is done to them. Just wanted to make that clear :)

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excuse me mister Out of respect, i did not hijack your thread clearly advertising your wares

i demand the same respect !!  

if as you insist your photos are not modified i have to say hurrah!! what a commendable change from the norm !!

 so are you a reseller or one of the devs??

if a reseller, have you control over what the dev's do before you get publicity material????

I think not.....  you are only a reseller after all

but all things aside the scenery seems worthy of merit despite the publicity photos, but remember the bigger you get, the further you fall, keep you knickers tight and your powder dry :)

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.....i did not hijack your thread.....

.....i demand the same respect !!.....


Interestingly, a Forum, by definition, is a public meeting place for open discussion, ipso facto, no one has any claim or ownership to a thread and users are free to comment as they see fit.


In all my professional experience as a leader and manager, respect was, and still is, something that is earned.  It certainly does not come with position, title or a perceived level of knowledge.  Those who demand it get exactly what they deserve, and that is often derision and ridicule.


Just a couple of small, shared lessons in life.

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Anyone can post in any thread here as long is it's done in a civil manner. Stay on this side of personal attacks and all should be well. NO ONE should feel intimidated from making a post to any thread here. Forums are about sharing both factual information and opinions. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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Thanks for posting the links

I was in Belgium only yesterday on the motorbike.. stunning scenery even from ground level on 2 wheels.

We were in a little town called Veurne and there was a lot of GA overhead so there must have been a strip nearby.

Will have to check out the scenery to see if I can find it.



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if a reseller, have you control over what the dev's do before you get publicity material????

I think not.....  you are only a reseller after all



In the case of MSE, I actually take the screenshots myself. The dev does not supply any publicity material. So again, what you are seeing is exactly what you get from the product in terms of photoreal ground scenery :)

As for hijacking a thread, that was not the intention. However, I will reply to any thread where incorrect information or assumptions are being implied, and correct them with the facts.


As for the free Belgium scenery... It's great to see someone has created a package, and are offering it for free. All the power to them!

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