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Managed Aircraft DB

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Does anyone know where AH stores info on the planes it uses?  I've just added a shed load of extra planes, and gone through and manually added guestimates (from here and from wikipedia) for their ranges so I'd like to back the file up in case I ever need to re-install - assuming it is a single file?


Had a quick look through the AH directory and couldn't see anything obvious.


Many Thanks


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Thanks for the info Gunner.  So the aircraft info is company specific?  The only files in that directory are the DB that holds my company, and the default company DB.  If you start a new company, do you have to re-import all the planes etc?



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...  So the aircraft info is company specific? ...


   I think it is. I never had more than one company at a time :). But for sure, if you reinstall AH and then copy back the saved DB file, you will have everything like before. Bear in mind, if you have a break off a few months and then reimport an old file, AH will charge you for the past months rents, wages, insurance and what not. No excuse :). Also, you can export the Registered Aircraft list in an Excel file, so if you need to import again  a plane, you can just copy/paste the details from there.



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