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Welcome to Mutley's Hangar.

That's a pretty cryptic description of what you are trying to do. Do you mean PFD (Primary Flight Display)? What software and hardware are you talking about.

You're going to have to go into more detail for anyone to be able to help you.


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ND = Navigational Display?

If you're talking about in-panel instruments that exist in the panel of a FS aircraft, the best thing I can suggest is to create new 2D windows in the panel.cfg file and configure them as pop-ups containing only the desired instruments. Those can be individually opened, un-docked and dragged to another monitor and will still function as they would in the main panel. If they already exist in pop-ups, just un-dock and drag them.


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OK.I have an FSX with PMDG 747-400. WINDOW 7. The PFD (primary Flight  Display ) and the ND (Navigational Display ) are the only two that I can not  put in one of the monitor. I am using six monitor. Three for the hole scenery and the rest for instruments. The cockpit has Saitek yoke, throttles ,Radios ,gears up/down and also AFDS Mode Control Panel. Is this sufficient information? Thanks

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Guess you have not read my response to you in thw 747 thread you started?



Make sure in screen resolution you have Multiple Displays [Extend these displays] then in FSX go to views in the menu list click instruments select PFD and MFD and drag each to the monitor that you are displaying the instruments on.

There is a program along with FSUIPC called WideFS that will allow you to permanently display the instruments on that screen without dragging each time you start up.



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