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Thanks, Michael! That's a terrific selection. :thum:

Those rocks sure look pink, don't they? The Earth Simulations' photo-scenery is darker and less pink. 2 possibilities: either the photo's were taken at a different time of year, thus ground colour due to plants like heathers or rock lichen might affect the hue, or E.S. have toned down the colours when matching adjacent photo strips.

Whatever, your results are truly excellent. If only we could get the E.S. mesh, eh?!?

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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Thanks Dai for your kind comments. The satellite images for this part of Scotland are not good and seem to lack contrast as you say. In fact a large section of Central Scotland has no workable images so I had to give up on that and revert to the default scenery which is a joke as you know.


Anyway off to do some more of Ireland............................................


Cheers, Mike.



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Almost getting there on the decorating front but the grass cutting.....................oh boy................................ its growing at an incredible rate here, but its a nice walk around our 3 acres of land behind the Honda grass cutter. :thum:


TTFN, cheers, Mike

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