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It appears, from a couple of articles (linked at the bottom) that the Boeing KC-46 Tanker is running a tad behind and costing Boeing some serious money


"This newest, $835 million pre-tax charge sheds light on overly optimistic planning by the company for FAA certification and problems ensuring parts meet design specifications. It is unclear if the preponderance of the parts are from suppliers, but likely some are. Managing quality from suppliers is a familiar conundrum for Boeing that contributed to billions of dollars in overruns for its 787 airliner development.


In the case of the KC-46, the faulty parts are found in the integrated fuel system, the heart of an aerial refueler."


Not good to have an air-to-air refueler that has a faulty fuel system. Yes, there's a lot different to the standard 767 but having the experience of the KC-767 program, one would have thought that these problems would have been encounted before. Another problem includes faulty wiring looms





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And to think, that after initially awarding it to what is a successful solution already in service with a range of other air forces, they re-tendered it and awarded it to Boeing. Having said that, when first awarded, the original specification documentation and selection criteria on which the decision was made, apparently had some questions around it, sufficient for Boeing to make enough noises at the Pentagon to have it re-tendered.



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