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I have a request that some might find hard to accept, Is there any way to get rid of the pillars in 2D/3d cockpit mode , the reason is that I have built a cockpit based on a 737 and as I use 6 screens for my cockpit window view and  the pillars get in the way of my vision, so if there is a way that someone has already done this I would appreciate the info, I know the PMDG 737 already has this view but the Ifly product works with my GF-MCP-PRO and the PMDG 737 (fs2004) doesn't due to a licence problem!!! with an old employee.

thanks in advance

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I don't have the iFly 737 but I would think that if it doesn't have a specific view for it (like the PMDG 737), the only way to remove those pillars would be to edit the texture file/files. Others might be able to advise otherwise.




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Like Andrew, I don't have the Ifly 737, however, have you tried using the 2d cockpit view and closing the panels? That may give you the view your looking for ( you may have to resize the view however)

Jess B

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I don't use FS9, however I use the ifly in FSX.  I too have a home built cockpit which uses a 5 screen setup and a projector for the outside view. I have 3 monitors via TH2GO for the 2D capt and co-pilot panels. You have to switch to full screen mode then reposition the panels onto your monitors and resize them. By default only the Capt panel is open so you have to alter the cfg file to also have the co-pilot panel open.  If you pm me I will send you a couple of pics of my setup to help you.



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A big thanks to all that replied to my thread, Jess B if you could elaborate on how to close 2d cockpit panel I will try that. Also Kessler I would like to see your cockpit views as this might help me sort out a few issues ,please send me pictures to guytaylor67@hotmail.com .I would like to point out that everything I do on my flight sim and the building of my cockpit are self taught so things that people take for granted I might have to get my head round it, again thanks for everyone's help and I'll keep you all posted.

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