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Instrument Rating check ride

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Some time ago the invaluable 'PC Pilot magazine' published a total of fourteen 'lessons' designed to help one in passing this challenging check ride. All compiled by Peter Stark. 

Unfortunately for me my subscription began as the final article went to press. I have been nagging the publication team to create an electronic version that might be d/loaded for we who missed out but, whilst meeting with some sympathy, nothing in that vein has appeared. 

 Any suggestions, apart from paying our for thirteen digital copies, would be most welcome. 

    I wait with bated breath.


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I think you're probably going to have to pony up the money or do without.  Anything else is going to be a violation of the laws and the magazine's intellectual property rights.  They paid the author for the rights to those articles and they "own" them.  They're well within their rights to charge for them.  Almost all print publications are struggling to keep their heads above water; giving what they're selling away for free is not likely to improve their prospects.  


You may find someone who is willing to scan the articles and send them to you, but that would be illegal on their part and unethical on yours.  However, I believe if someone was willing to sell or give you their old magazines, that would be OK.


On the plus side, there are plenty of other sources in the public domain for help with instrument flight training.  Consider trolling through YouTube for starters.


I hope this response doesn't come across as harsh - I don't mean it that way.



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I don't hesitate in agreeing with you, John.  I have been checking on You Tube but Peter Stark's approach was both detailed and precise whereas the former is too swift by comparison. However one never knows. Perhaps the magazine will decide to do what I have suggested. 

  Thanks, John.

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