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v4 NAVDATA help....

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I have updated all I can on my system for XP11 and my addons for XP and P3D however I can't work out how to update the NAVDATA in P3Dv4....any pointers would be warmly embraced.. thank you...oh yes I am using NAVIGRAPH...........


also any idea where I need to point PFPX.........I have saved a flight plan to my 737 but can't save it to P3D....

Edited by wain
another question....
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OK @wain a quick google says that the Navigraph installer only updates the ADDONs (aircraft) and their FMS not the base simulator (assuming that those add-ons override the sim for that aircraft). BUT it looks like you CAN update the base sim with this: https://www.aero.sors.fr/navaids3.html


Haven't tried it myself as I mostly fly GA and am not really needing that kind of data.


As for PFPX uncle google says: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/123645-pfpx-and-p3d-v4-support/


Not sure if you've already sorted this out or not, hope it helps.

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FSAerodata is a payware addon that can update the base sim from current Navigraph data (needs a Navigraph sub). Works with FSX and P3D (v4 & earlier). Includes current airspace as well as airports and navaids. https://www.fsaerodata.com


(no affiliation, but I did get a free copy in order to add support to Plan-G)

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