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Not finding anything in the review section I thought I would ask here, does anyone have the Airfoillabs C172 for XP11? I have the A2A 172 as part of the XP11 package and was wondering how the 'labs version compared. and if it was worth buying or sticking with the A2A. I have looked a some YouTube videos but this hasn't helped me make a decision. I'm not sure as a study aircraft it could go much further than A2A. Maybe the flight systems are virtually the same and the differences merely cosmetic.

Any thoughts would be helpful please.

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Yes I have it for XP11 and it is a great aircraft to fly. I can't compare it to the A2A as I don't have that but lists of people who do say it's almost just as good or better. 


Just moving away slightly the default C172 in XP11 is very good with a mod out there from simcoders.com to make it even better. Adding to this another great tool that applies to all aircraft that's a bit like EZDock I highly recommend is XP-Realistic and adds a lot of immersion.


I hope I have been of help.

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Of course, it's not the A2A in X-Plane, I'm so used to flying A2A in FSX that I automatically relate to that...But indeed, the Simcoders package does bring it up to A2A standards so might get that.

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