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I can not go back to X-Plane

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I just can not go back to X-Plane after flying around in 2020.  It has got to be the realism outside of the window that is the draw.

I am only flying the Steam gauged C172, but getting so much enjoyment from it, I am completely hooked.  I never thought I would end up saying what I just said.

I have tried all the planes and have settled on the 172.  Yes there are some things that are not yet correct, but I can live with that knowing it will get fixed.

The Garmin (sorry Tim) GNS530 does not register some airports, but when navigraph becomes the major updater to the navigation system that will correct itself.

But still where the GPS fails to map a route, then I fall back onto the old way of VOR to VOR and vFR.

Photo: Flying VOR around Savannah Georgia USA:


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On 03/09/2020 at 15:48, jaydor said:

I just can not go back to X-Plane after flying around in 2020.

Really James? I agree with you about the realism and everything but i have a lot invested in X-Plane and will continue to use it but possibly not as regular now.

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1 hour ago, phil white said:

Really James? I agree with you about the realism and everything but i have a lot invested in X-Plane and will continue to use it but possibly not as regular now.

I agree Phil, I too have a lot invested in XP, but it's not been used on my machine since the launch of 2020.

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