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Have you seen this yet???? (WARNING - Large Pics!)

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It's called 'Wings Of Prey', and is the PC based sibling the console game "IL2 Sturmovik: Birds Of Prey"... uh oh, was that a sigh of "oh no, not another combat flight arcade style game ported to PC" i just heard? Well, at first i too thought that, but then, i thought 'it's worth a look i guess....' So i did some digging, here's what i came up with:

  • [*:1r7df33f]Developer: Gaijin Entertainment[*:1r7df33f]Release date: December 25, 2009[*:1r7df33f]based around the large-scale aerial combat and ground military operations of World War II[*:1r7df33f]Six theatres of war to engage in
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I currently have IL2 - 1946 and throughly enjoyed it. This looks superb!

Any idea where to get the boxed?

Play.com is blocked at work, but i'm reliably advised its available there.

But i can tell you for sure that its available as a boxed version from Amazon, the publisher Iceberg Interactive, and 365games.co.uk

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This is a good example of why I suggested that Oleg Maddox and the IL-2 bunch would be a good choice to write the next version of Flight Simulator. Those guys have an excellent grasp of what it takes to make aircraft look and behave properly on a monitor, which is a big part of what's required. As far as I know they have not expressed any interest in developing a general flight sim - I think they're missing the boat in the vacuum left when Aces Studio was shuttered. Not that they aren't prospering in what they've chosen to do... good for them.


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to be honest with you John, i've joined in many a discussion at the larger IL2 fora (AllAircraftArcade as just one example) where we've debated to the ends of possibility the likelyhood of Oleg and the team developing a General Aviation based (as opposed to combat) sim and the responses are generally good, and i'm sure that anything out of the IL2 camp would sell like hot cakes after the massive success of IL2 through the past decade.

Infact, the only reason i stumbled upon this gem of theirs was through some research i was doing on Battle Of Britain dogfights over Dover for an artwork i'm currently working on. I'd been looking at some pre-beta screenshots/renders of the 1C Maddox "Storm Of War: Battle Of Britain" sim still in the making when i followed another link to Wings Of Prey where i was just blown away... just check out the scenery and 3d object placement - trees, buildings, docks, and all manner of these smaller details are fantastically detailed and realistically placed!

If Wings Of Prey was the spin off for PC from a console game as the result of some re-coding here and there, then a game specifically made for PC, coded from the ground up by the same people, i have no doubt, will be mind blowing....

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