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AirHaulers -> AirHaulics - February, 2010

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AirHaulers -> AirHaulics
by: John Allard




If this article seems a little out of context it's because it was originally published in the OFSC newsletter and was written with that readership in mind.



OFSC is getting quite a following for the FS add-on, AirHauler by Just Flight. Members Wayne Knowles and John Allard participated in the testing of this application while it was under development and to some extent still do as updates are created and released. The tally of OFSC folks who are known to be owners and users of the add-on at this time are six; Jack Neal, Steve Austin, John Lucio and Skip Tucker, in addition to Wayne and John. John also serves as the forum Moderator at the Just Flight/AirHauler forum and is co-admin of the Mutley's Hangar flight sim website which has just added a new sub-forum for AirHauler as part of a recent comprehensive site update and re-design.

Following a March, 2009 release by Just Flight, AirHauler has proven to be an extremely successful FS add-on product. Available as a boxed disc or by download (and with a free demo version available) AH simulates the operation of a freight hauling business, using either FS9 or FSX to do the flying. It's turned out to be a highly addictive program, so much so that users on the Just Flight/AirHauler forum have coined the phrase "AirHaulic" to describe themselves.

Given the interest level within the club at this point, we'll include a regular AirHauler article each month for a while, perhaps with screenshots, help and hints and maybe a few flight reports thrown in.

To kick it off this month we'll begin with:

Allard's Ten Rules for Losing at AirHauler
1) Never waste money on insuring your aircraft.
2) Invest heavily in the stock market.
3) Go out on a limb to buy (rent, lease, hire) things without maintaining an ample cash cushion.
4) Don't bother checking runway length or type before accepting jobs.
5) Ditto job expiration date/time.
6) Fly badly - land hard, off runway if possible (it almost always is if you really try). If you insist on landing on the runway, do so with the gear up.
7) Assign AI pilots to aircraft with a low Cargo Capacity statistic.
8) Don't bother installing the AirHauler Service Pack updates.
9) Assume all AI pilots have Charles Lindbergh's flying skill, Duncan's [AH Developer] work ethic and Sam Walton's organizational acumen. (In reality, many have Icarus' flying skills, Paris Hilton's work ethic and the organizational skill of the average government.)
10) Land and un-load at the wrong airport as frequently as you can manage it.

See the Hot Links article elsewhere in this issue
for various AirHauler links.

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