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FS X Freeware Aircraft Models

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Hey All,

I figure with a lot of pilots and flight sim enthusiasts in the one group I could get a few suggestions out of the following question I am going to propose.

For those of you who do not know, I am the fleet director for Pacific Airways (Virtual Airline) and I am currently reviewing our FS X Freeware fleet. A lot of the aircraft are just imports from FS 9 and seem to be lacking a little in quality. I have searched through the web ie AVSIM, flightsim.com etc in search of model upgrades or even models that are suitable to be used for a modern VA.

I guess what I asking is if anyone out there knows of some good or better than good freeware FS X aircraft that could be used in a modern VA.

I appreciate your assistance in this matter.

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Troy! Where've you been? Feels like we've not spoken in ages.

Have you checked out Project Open Sky and Project Airbus at all? Their models are supposed to be very good. I must confess to hardly flying any freeware a/c anymore, so aren't as much help as I used to be

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Go and look at Dave Maltby's site - they are classics and they were also intended for FS9 - but they work in FSX - there also tips provided to help you (smoke effects settings etc), but the aircraft are absolutely first rate - much, much better than many payware models:

BAC 1-11 200, 300, 400, 475. 500, 510ED and also all with Hush-kits

HS Trident 2 & 3

dH Comet 4, B, C & RAE

Vickers VC-10(unfortunately 2D panels only - the others are full VC jobs)

http://www.dmflightsim.co.uk/ for updates

Very well worth checking out, very accurate - and an absolute joy to fly, too.

Manuals and tutorials are 1st class, too.

Paintkits available - will post in a mo :dance:


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