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Sony are out to get YOU!

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Eeh, Im at risk now - iPhone jailbreak is legal, PS3 is in the process (i did the iphone one). =/


iPhone Hacker George Hotz is in the process of being sued my Sony for jailbreaking the PS3. And sony have the rights to obtain any IPs from those who visted his website/youtube/twitter after January 2009 or downloaded his jailbreak.

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One rule.

Buy the real item full stop.

Software/hardware piracy IS a crime.







Sony are out to get YOU!


Actually, they are out to get YOU, not ME.



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Say what you like about Steve Jobs (and many do), but Apple at least have the sense to realise tht without the ability to jailbreak, they'd sell a lot fewer iPhones/iPod Touch/iPads. Sony are just creating for themselves a bad PR storm. (not so much from wanting to crush the jb, but from strongarming YouTube, Twitter etc). Sony may come to their senses when/if their action starts impacting their bottom line...

And yes, this is *not* about piracy.

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i'm fully on Mr Hotz side... if i buy something outright, for example a car, i OWN the car, the engine and everything else attached to it. Therefore, i am able to modify, change and/or upgrade it's abilities to achieve things it was not designed for. For example a bog-standard Ford Escort family saloon modified, upgarded and otherwise tricked out to go 150Miles/Hr

Similarly if i had bought outright a PS3 from a store with my hard earned money, i'd have every right to expect to own the PS3 in its entirety - hardware/software and everything in between. As such, I would equally expect to be able to fully modify the hardware/software etc. using any means possible to make it achieve things not expected of it when first built.

Sony et al have (in my view) no right to be able to limit what a user does with his/her product after they faithfully hand over £300 of hard earned money to line the company's pockets.

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You could argue that the Royal Turbine Duke is a 'jailbreak' style mod (Ok, so it has to have an STC and all the paperwork that goes with it). Maybe Beechcraft should go after Rocket Engineering... , Aircraft mods are nothing new, whether it's STOL kits for a Cessna, GamiJectors, Colemill Panther mods for Pipers, turbine engine upgrades,etc. People modify and tinker with their cars, PCs, cameras, DVD players (got a region-free hack?) and all sorts of personal electronics every day. Why should a Playstation be any different?

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