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Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow, Canadas TSR 2 !

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Designed in 1953, the Huge CF-105 Arrow would have been Canadas primary interceptor and strike aircraft well into the 1990s. It was mach 2 capable and had a very long range. Worldwide interest was shown but political wrangling and the sudden cancellation of the new Orenda Iroquois engines let to the project stalling. The customers quickly went elswhere and in 1959 the project was cancelled completey. Only one nose section survives of this promising aircraft, A full sized replica was also built a few years ago but sadly this promising aircraft is gone forever. The comparison with Britains TSR-2 programme is all too obvious and the two aircraft were very similar in performance and spec.

The prototype



What should have been :-(


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Nice shots again Alan.

This plane was being made just down the road from me at Downsview, think that the main reason for there being only one "Known" small piece of the aircraft being left today is because the RCMP got the wind up about a Russian mole in the Avro plant and ordered all the prodution parts, machinery and drawings to be destroyed, any test aircraft where just cut up on the runway and taken away as scrap.

The main role of the Arrow was to be an high speed interceptor to take down Russian bombers over our northern ice caps, which in those days was thought to be the route they would take to get their bombers over US citys.


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