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gex - utx - rex -- im satisfied!

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Looking the business there Jim, glad the suggestion for UTX paid off, it really does take the Sim to a whole new level scenery wise. couple that with REX and its near perfect - why can't MS deliver that quality out of the box I'll never know

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Hey UKJim,

Glad to see you are getting some good results with the software.

Just a small point to nitpik. Please try to refrain from referring to flight simming as a game. Others outside the realms of this fantastic hobby might view it as a game but we all know better.

It's a hobby Jim but not as we know it. :thum:

Cheers and thanks for posting the pic'. More please.

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It's a hobby Jim but not as we know it. :thum:

That's funny Brian, because my wife has just started calling it a "NOT THAT MONEY PIT AGAIN!!!" :whis:

BTW: Nice shot's, I have some of the UTX/GEX products I find them very good, and they do cover most of Europe in one shot so thats a bit of a wallet saver there for a start ;) .


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I'm sure you'll agree Jim that it's money well spent. If we weren't simming we would be down the pub then what would our wifey's say??

Mine would not be too impressed I'm sure eh?

Happy simming Jim.

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Exactly needles (sorry don't know your real name buddy) - I don't go out drinking and I don't go spending money I don't have so simming is my hobby at the minute and it keeps me quiet. I think my wife is more concerned about spending time with her than the money thing ;)

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