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RW airports are sometimes pretty ratty places and even the nice ones have areas that are not so polished. One of the gripes I have with most FS airports - stock, freeware, payware - is that they are sometimes just too clean and orderly - all prim and proper. There are some exceptions but in most places, it looks like their mother-in-law is coming for a visit tomorrow.

What you posted makes it appear someone has gotten the message for this one and things look realistically disorderly in places.


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John, you can see pics of it in all its glory if you go to the scenery page on my site. It was made a couple of years ago by Ian Melville and myself, both RW pilots flying out of Enstone. We spent several months with cameras, GPSs and measuring tape, poking around everywhere we could (even got chased off by security guards a couple of times!). It's history is that it was one of the WWII "quick build" airfields constructed in 1942 as a training unit for Wellington bomber pilots. It has three runways in the standard RAF A-Frame configuration, although only one is still usable, but the other two are pretty much intact. It's now the only WWII-era airfield in Oxfordshire that is still an operating airfield.

The vegetation didn't transfer across, and there are issues with the ground polys that need sorting. But given that X-Plane airports don't need to be flat, the XP version has the potential to be even more realistic than the FSX one.

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