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That's because your base is darrington so most jobs should happen there!

The smart thing to do is accept round trips to and from - get them in your list but make sure you can complete the jobs before the expiry!

Unfortunately if no jobs are out then its a positioning flight needed and a knock on fuel cost etc!

Try and find a job close by to fly too rather than going back to darrington that might help!

If you want shorter jobs change the aircraft range as well as the slider sometimes the slider doesn't always work as gud!

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You will quite often find that there is no cargo available going back to your base from wherever you happen to find yourself. It may well be that there will be no jobs from where you are to ANYWHERE, so you'll have to fly deadhead to base or to somwhere where there is a cargo to pick up. Often it is possible to make a slight detour and pick something up on the way back your base - sometimes not.


It's not necessary to always go back to your base and you may want to be a cargo vagabond for two or three or four flights, going where the jobs take you. Sooner or later you'll find one going back to your base.


Your instincts to not accept a job that you weren't sure you could fly before it expired are sound. Having a job expire before delivering it is a job failure. You'll get about 10% of the revenue and a loss of reputation. Usually the revenue won't even cover the fuel and landing fee.


You should probably max out the "Number of Jobs Generated" slider in Options -> Options -> Job Generation Options. There's no good reason not to that I can think of.



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You will quite often find that there is no cargo available going back to your base from wherever you happen to find yourself. It may well be that there will be no jobs from where you are to ANYWHERE, so you'll have to fly deadhead to base or to somwhere where there is a cargo to pick up. Often it is possible to make a slight detour and pick something up on the way back your base - sometimes not.

It's not necessary to always go back to your base and you may want to be a cargo vagabond for two or three or four flights, going where the jobs take you. Sooner or later you'll find one going back to your base.

Your instincts to not accept a job that you weren't sure you could fly before it expired are sound. Having a job expire before delivering it is a job failure. You'll get about 10% of the revenue and a loss of reputation. Usually the revenue won't even cover the fuel and landing fee.

You should probably max out the "Number of Jobs Generated" slider in Options -> Options -> Job Generation Options. There's no good reason not to that I can think of.


Ok, I'll max out the "number of Jobs Generated" is there a way to max out all the airports? I.e. a way to make it show me all the jobs out there? It seems like if I move the slider to small aiports only it shows me those hand full, but not the larger ones, and vice versa....I'm wanting to know if it's possible to show ALL and then I can pick and choose.

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The batch of jobs is generated based on your slider settings, so everything you see is always ALL of them - there are no hidden jobs unless you have selected something from the Jobs Screen "Filter" pull-down. Job Generation is just a random generation process, but once generated, jobs will remain on the list until they expire or are completed, so it sometimes takes two or three days for the effects of a preference change to become completely incorporated. If you want to play around with different settings it's easy to create test companies and just delete them after seeing what you want to see.


The slow regeneration of the Jobs List based on job completions and expirations is a design feature that was put in so that users can't just "roll the dice" again to get a new set of jobs if they don't like what's there. What you see is what you get and the re-population of the list is a slow but ongoing process.



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You should probably max out the "Number of Jobs Generated" slider in Options -> Options -> Job Generation Options. There's no good reason not to that I can think of.

Good tip there John, I've had my slider set at about 60% for all this time and have been scratching about trying to fine a return load on occasions, I just slid it up to the max setting and, Bingo! I have got a good few return to base flights :thum: .

@ gigemagg99, when taking a job, do remember to keep an eye on the landing fee's at the destination airpoort ! I got my fingers burnt once with a landing fee that was over a grand :th_blush:


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You should probably max out the "Number of Jobs Generated" slider in Options -> Options -> Job Generation Options. There's no good reason not to that I can think of.

Good tip there John, I've had my slider set at about 60% for all this time and have been scratching about trying to fine a return load on occasions, I just slid it up to the max setting and, Bingo! I have got a good few return to base flights :thum: .

@ gigemagg99, when taking a job, do remember to keep an eye on the landing fee's at the destination airpoort ! I got my fingers burnt once with a landing fee that was over a grand :th_blush:


All sounds good, ok, looks like I made my first mistake. LOL I took a job that had me carrying 603 lbs of seafood from 28OR to 1S2, I guess I had too much fuel onboard b/c I can only load 588 lbs. It says to return to get the rest of the cargo LOL, hopefully they will have a job close by 28OR so I can swing back by and pick up the remaing 15lbs of seafood so I can collect my fee.

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Next ? how do I get it to show my stats on the air hauler website? I've registered my name and company name. I'm able to log into the site, but when I search for my name or company name nothing comes up.

My name is Gus Heinze, my company name is Gus's Haulin' Company

P.S. on a side note, 28OR is VERY HARD to land at the rwy is VERY SHORT, <1000 '

I had to circle about 10 times before I lined it up and missed the trees. I said, MAN I'm not coming back here, now I have to, to get my remaining cargo LOL

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...once you get a rep of 55 or more things really start moving, you can lease stuff and hire new staff...

You can lease at 50% rep; hire AI pilots at 55%; get bank loans at 60%.


Started at 40%, I think I'm up to 40.5 slow and steady wins the race :-)

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You had better go back and get it, coz your rep will suffer if you don't.

If you can't get all the cargo on next time, just pay to off load some fuel so you can get the all the cargo onboard in one go ;) .

I just checked and I can not see your company either, did you hit the upload stats button?


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You had better go back and get it, coz your rep will suffer if you don't.

If you can't get all the cargo on next time, just pay to off load some fuel so you can get the all the cargo onboard in one go ;) .

I just checked and I can not see your company either, did you hit the upload stats button?


I'll head back and get it, as long as I go back and get it and then return and deliver it before the job expires I should be fine, right? Then it won't mess w/ my rep?

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You had better go back and get it, coz your rep will suffer if you don't.

If you can't get all the cargo on next time, just pay to off load some fuel so you can get the all the cargo onboard in one go ;) .

I just checked and I can not see your company either, did you hit the upload stats button?


I'll head back and get it, as long as I go back and get it and then return and deliver it before the job expires I should be fine, right? Then it won't mess w/ my rep?

Correct :) .

if you can find some cargo thats going close to that "part load" you can drop that off first to help pay your fuel bill for the return trip :) .


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hmm very strange. I flew back to 1S2 from 28OR and landed, then pulled up to parking, set parking break and shut down the engines. Then AH popped up a message saying to ALT+Tab to unload cargo. I ALT+TAB and click unload cargo, then it sits there a long time and tells me I cannot unload cargo while the engines are running.

EDIT: good news. I closed AH down and started it back up and my C172 was at 1S2 and it allowed me to unload the cargo.

All is well.

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It's a sub-forum on Just Flight's forum. I'm one of the moderators on the AH sub-forum - as are Mutley and Slopey.

Slopey handles the hard questions.



?, is the information just pulled from AH itself? I searched through the pages in the link above and didn't notice the Flight 1 C182T. Would I just search AH on my end to see what the prices/specs/info are?

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There's one stickied thread in the JF/AH forum with the title "What Does It Cost? How Much Does It Carry?" That has about five pages of user-entered stats on add-on AC that they've imported into AH.


Is the F1 182T a new release? If so, it may be that no one has entered the stats yet for it yet. If you own it and have it installed you can import it into AH with no obligation (or even ability) to lease or buy it. That will bring it into the Aircraft for Sale list and you'll have all the AH stats for price, cargo capacity, etc.



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There's one stickied thread in the JF/AH forum with the title "What Does It Cost? How Much Does It Carry?" That has about five pages of user-entered stats on add-on AC that they've imported into AH.

Is the F1 182T a new release? If so, it may be that no one has entered the stats yet for it yet. If you own it and have it installed you can import it into AH with no obligation (or even ability) to lease or buy it. That will bring it into the Aircraft for Sale list and you'll have all the AH stats for price, cargo capacity, etc.


Thank you I'll look in AH when I land. I'm pretty sure it's a relatively new plane, I think it came out last summer. I've had it for a few weeks now.

I see AH is pulling the time from my PC. Seems like a lot of these small grass/gravel strips I'm going to have no lights. I'd like to be able to fly in the evenings when my kids go to bed so I kinda need to "cheat" on the time of day. If, in flight I change the date/time will that throw off my data?

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There's one stickied thread in the JF/AH forum with the title "What Does It Cost? How Much Does It Carry?" That has about five pages of user-entered stats on add-on AC that they've imported into AH.

Is the F1 182T a new release? If so, it may be that no one has entered the stats yet for it yet. If you own it and have it installed you can import it into AH with no obligation (or even ability) to lease or buy it. That will bring it into the Aircraft for Sale list and you'll have all the AH stats for price, cargo capacity, etc.


Thank you I'll look in AH when I land. I'm pretty sure it's a relatively new plane, I think it came out last summer. I've had it for a few weeks now.

I see AH is pulling the time from my PC. Seems like a lot of these small grass/gravel strips I'm going to have no lights. I'd like to be able to fly in the evenings when my kids go to bed so I kinda need to "cheat" on the time of day. If, in flight I change the date/time will that throw off my data?

If you go into the AH Options bit and select flight options, there's a box that you can check, so that AH always asks you to choose a time/date before it launches the sim, I use it all the time because I don't just want to fly at night ;) .


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There's one stickied thread in the JF/AH forum with the title "What Does It Cost? How Much Does It Carry?" That has about five pages of user-entered stats on add-on AC that they've imported into AH.

Is the F1 182T a new release? If so, it may be that no one has entered the stats yet for it yet. If you own it and have it installed you can import it into AH with no obligation (or even ability) to lease or buy it. That will bring it into the Aircraft for Sale list and you'll have all the AH stats for price, cargo capacity, etc.


Thank you I'll look in AH when I land. I'm pretty sure it's a relatively new plane, I think it came out last summer. I've had it for a few weeks now.

I see AH is pulling the time from my PC. Seems like a lot of these small grass/gravel strips I'm going to have no lights. I'd like to be able to fly in the evenings when my kids go to bed so I kinda need to "cheat" on the time of day. If, in flight I change the date/time will that throw off my data?

If you go into the AH Options bit and select flight options, there's a box that you can check, so that AH always asks you to choose a time/date before it launches the sim, I use it all the time because I don't just want to fly at night ;) .


Excellent thank you sir. It helps b/c I can't fly in the real daytime.

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Right - AH has no interest in the sim time you set, or even the sim date - If you want to fly a flight at dawn in August of 1950, AH won't care. Jobs expire by the PC clock, which is ticking whether AH or the computer are running or not. By the way, avoid the temptation to reset your PC time to get out of a job expiration jam - it's a good way to end up with corrupted databases in AH. If you screwed the pooch, just take your lumps.


I use a random time generator that is external to AH/FS because I like random flight times but want to know what time of day I'll be flying when I do my pre-flight planning. Finding out as AH launches FS is not a good thing for me.


One quirk is that if you use RW WX, and it's RW night where you're flying, you'll be getting nighttime temps and WX conditions, whatever is current, no matter what time of day you put in for sim time.



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Sounds good, I changed the setting to let me select the time of day, pre-flight.

Next ?, I like to plan flights, VOR-VOR or waypoint to waypoint...the FP that AH sets up is basically direct GPS. Is there a way I can alter or edit the FP so I can fly with a little more than direct GPS?

I like flying old school and tuning the radios and using my NAV1 and NAV2 OBS. GPS is nice but it's pretty easy. I guess that's a good thing it can remove some pilot error, but I like the challenge.


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Cloudy! Gud job it wasn't wasted! I think once AH has loaded FSX you can modify the flight plan from FSX! AH only cares about the airport you're at I think!

Yep you are correct. Air Hauler only cares about where you are and where you are going, It isn't interested in how you get there. I actually create flight plans in Plan G on my networked PC as I find it easier. The only thing to watch is you fuel levels are suffcient for the route you take if you create your own plans.

It's always worth looking for nearby jobs - the less time you are in the air with no cargo the better.

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From the "Useful Info and Top Tips" thread in the JF/AH forum. By the way, that thread and the "What Does It Cost? How Much Does It Carry?" thread are probably the two most important ones on that whole forum for new AH users. It contains mini-articles on various AH topics.



When you select a job or jobs to fly from the My Jobs screen and work your way through the Flight Planning screen to the Cargo Loading screen, AH creates a flight plan which it sends to FS when AH launches the simulator. When you arrive at the cockpit, the flight plan will already be loaded and will be available on the kneeboard and in the GPS, ready for you to use.


AH has no further interest in the route of your flight. It only cares that the cargoes for the jobs you selected before leaving the My Jobs screen are delivered to the correct destinations prior to their respective job expiration times. You may delete, edit, replace or totally ignore the flight plan that AH created and loaded in FS - AH will not know or care.


You may use the FS Flight Planner or a third-party flight planner to edit the AH plan or create a different one. The route of flight, speed, altitude or intermediate stops are a matter of complete indifference to AH.



There is an important quirk of FS/AH in the use of flight plans for multi-leg, multi-job flights.


To give a simple example - If you accept two jobs which require flight legs...

A -> B

B -> C


...which require departing A, stopping at B, then proceeding to C. AH will create a single flight plan that reflects that. However, because of limitations to the FS flight planning engine, B will be treated simply as a waypoint. FS will not understand that you plan to land at B.

There are several ways to deal with this, but they boil down to these.


1) Don't use a flight plan

2) Use the plan as is but land at B anyway. The details of the plan will be incorrect, but the routing will be OK.

3) Create two separate plans, one from A -> B and a second from B -> C. You can create all the required plans during your pre-flight planning and save them or do them at your intermediate stops as needed. Load the first flight plan and use it to fly A -> B. Take care of your fuel and cargo business and return to the cockpit. Load the second flight plan and fly from B -> C.


If you enjoy the realism of closely following the FS Flight Plans in AH, you will need to create and load individual flight plans for each flight leg. It's not so terribly hard and mirrors real-world practice.

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