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Backing up/restoring custom airplanes db

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Ullo forum - quick question for you if you would be so kind as to lend some assistance!

As per the title, how do you back up and batch import your custom planes between careers?

I can see how to export the entire plane list to an excel file, but I couldn't see how to import this back into a new company?

(probably missing something obvious)


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Unfortunately, there is no way to transfer or batch import that list. If you back up AH as protection and re-install, the list comes back as it was, but there's no way to handle the imported AC list as a seperate entity that I know of.



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Well that's a bugger!

Hopefully something to address in any future versions...would also mean that people could upload/share pre-populated DBs for others as well...

Certainly save a lot of time each time you want to start a new career!

Cheers anyway John, appreciated.


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Early in in using AH I was importing a lot of add-on AC into AH but realistically I never bought or leased very many of them. Let me suggest this - create a "reference company" for lookup purposes and install all the AC that you might be interested in into that company and just use that for lookup purposes. All the Cargo Capacity statistics, prices, lease costs, etc. will be there for you to consult as needed. For the other companies, those in which you actually fly, just import the extra one or two or three AC that you'll actually lease or buy as you need them.


There's not much point in having every AC listed in every company. Also, for look-up purposes, there's a 5-page thread at the JF/AH forum titled "What does it cost? How much does it carry?"


In the final analysis, there's just no good reason to have a multitude of AC imported into several AH companies.



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All wise words John.

I think rather than the reference company, I will just keep the exported Excel sheet from one with all the details in for when I need them!

You are correct - think it is just my anal-retentiveness coming through causing me to want to add every add-on plane in my hanger in from the start!


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