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At last, common sense prevails ! Paganism to be taught in Schools

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Ah - the wonderful Daily Mail! We get bundles of old issues from recycling and use the paper for starting our bio-mass boiler. Got to admit, the Mail's a lot better at starting fires than the Guardian - I think the newsprint is lighter... :thum:

As for witchcraft and Druids, I understand that Hindus, who represent 14% of the world's population (950 million followers), believe in a "single deity, and view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects" of that deity. You'll probably remember a few - you know, ones with elephant heads and 8 or more arms...

Still, each to his own! I'll stick with Thor - I love the horns on his hat! And, of course, my fave day is Thorsday - oh, sorry, Thursday! :whis:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

P.S. Great catch, Al' - and Thanks again for the James Stewart film link.

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