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Landing on ships in AH?

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Hi Gents.

The two jobs (shown in red) just came up, just wondering if any of you have been able to land on the decks of boats in AH?.

I have Tongass and PFJ installed and imported to AH, so my guess is that they are static ships and AH picked them up, although if you read whats in the box in the bottom right, it states that it's an AI vessel, hope that it's not moving as that could really b**ger things up :th_blush:



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Yup, does say the runway is 197ft long and concrete, that plane is over 10,000 lbs so it needs a bit longer :D

No Mike,

I loaded up FSX with the flight, too see if the ship was still there (there are several ships listed in the FSX airport menue, but when you load a flight you always end up in the drink?)

Which brings me on too this, if you can see the ships in the FSX airports menue, why is it when you load a flight to take off from one of them, it has gone??? :( how the heck can can you take off from a ship in a helicopter if there is nothing there??? :wacko2: or is there something vital that I have missed??? :th_blush:


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The position of the ship is probably catptured and written to the AH database at job generation time. If the ship subsequently moves on, AH has no way of knowing. AH can use some of the aircraft carriers in FS but only if they are static and if they are set up as "real" FS airports.


I suspect that if you accept a job with an AI ship as destination and manage to find it and land, you'll still have a problem because AH will see you in an incorrect location. I recommend you ix-nay the ips-shay and go back to using real airports.



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Graham, the "runway" is listed at zero ft alt also. I have no problem landing helicopters on specfic AI ships and a/c also of course on carriers - but of course they're not listed destinations. That one is listed with the concrete like there always seems to be at a water drome

its odd

?? just rambling . .

edit - and more - just loaded U206G float at that location FSX Only. It shows exactly same place as yours, and Plan-G also shows that location 61m x 0 concrete. No ship. Flew about 25 radius search and no sign either. So its not AH job generation time - its always there in FSX. There is the ship in boats/ai, texture, model and all, and 3 x AF2s for it, at PAS1 and also PAW1 and PAP2 but can't find a traffic file. Thats why it shows as location, but its a location for the Matanuska traffic, if there. Tough that AH (and FSX) thinks its an airport. There's a lot of these in FTX for AI ships and helicopters. Look around vancouver in Plan-G

I believe its just about possible to have a "airport" on a moving AI but extremely complicated. But I don't think it would be landable with 61 x 0 even if you find it. Wouldn't be done for these numbers

:( Mike

Have not had time to load up FSX today, but it you was to crank up your ships/pleasure boats traffic to 100%, I wonder if the "ghost" ship will appear? (will try that over the weekend to see if it works ;) ).


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