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1945, Papua New Guinea. A lone Martin B26 Marauder, war weary and still carrying her markings from the European conflict is taking part in the final push to defeat Japan. Reports have come in of a small number of enemy troops hiding out in a small coastal village. Australian commandos have surrounded the area and have requested an air strike to flush the **** out......

After Europe this seems like a great posting..... the crew prepare the B26 for the mission.


Starting the engines, waiting for the hydraulic pressure to build so the bomb doors can be closed.


Taxiing out under the tropical sun


as she lifts off the rumble of thunder is heard in the nearby mountains...and it's not the engines !


she runs along the coast for a while before heading into the mountainous terrain


The weather takes a turn for the worst as she threads her way through the mountains


finally the target is sighted and she begins her run


Coming in fairly low to prevent the bombs being blown off course in the stormy weather


The target is obliterated, but so is her base due to the weather, The crew divert to another airfield


touching down after a very bumpy ride!


Pulling onto the ramp and shutting down, mission completed.


Thanks for viewing.

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Thanks guys, If you love to go mountain flying I really reccomend taking a trip to PNG, there are some real challlenges to be had even with default scenery, A lot of freeware airfields and landclass files about as well. well worth it.

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