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I thought I'd try some screen-shots for the monthly? contest I noticed here recently ... I'd a pretty good idea framed in my mind of the shot I wanted to achieve and fired up FSX to attempt it, when I chose RAF Lossimouth (my local base) it would load up with a base elsewhere in the UK, cant remember the name of it offhand but the airport ID code is similar ... Hmmm, re-booted and tried choosing Lossimouth with its airport ID this time instead of the name (EGQS), still went to this unknown UK airport that I think was EGOS.


Has anyone seen this before? I've not in many installs of FSX since it came out, I'm guessing my long standing FSX install is maybe starting to go flaky (it always seems to happen) Its going to be long hard work getting it back to where I like if this is the  case?


BTW: I thought I'd try taking off from nearby Kinloss and trying my screenshot from there, Kinloss's airport search in FSX was fine, so obviously my whole airport database in FSX is not corrupt.

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Mine works OK with Stock FSX (Acceleration).  It seems to bring up EGQS and EGOS (Shawbury) correctly, as selected. 


I suspect some add-on scenery with a typo in the ICAO for one or the other.  You might try turning off scenery layers one at a time or promoting/demoting suspect scenery layers until you can figure out which is the culprit and let the vendor know.



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Thanks John, I think what you say is the root of my problem right enough, I'll try un-checking recent scenery area's until it works again and find out what the culprit was.


And yes, it was Shawbury that loaded when I tried to fly from Lossiemouth.



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