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Jacksonville NAS to Guantanamo Bay

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Sometimes you read a book and you want to go there yourself - well, I recently finished Dan Fesperman's The Prisoner of Guantanamo in which the hero, an FBI agent/interrogator, flies from Jacksonville (FA) NAS to Guantanamo Bay or Gitmo, as it's known. Anyway, that's the excuse for this FSim flight......

Taking off from KNIP:


Leaving Jacksonville:


Grand Bahamas to port:


North east coast of Cuba:


Flying into the sunset:


Approach to Guantanamo Bay from south to avoid Cuban air-space:


Guantanamo Bay to starboard:


Flying over the beacons on the east side of the bay:


Base leg turn:


Final approach:




And parked up by maintenance hangar:


The first 2 hours were a little boring, flying down Florida's east coast (sorry John!) - didn't see much of the Bahamas either. But the final approach was exciting - and that's putting it mildly!

So, read the book or try the approach - both equally good!

Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:

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Great pics & commentary Dai.

That's quite an interesting concept reliving a flight from a film or novel, there's someone else here who does that to :mrhappy:

More please!


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Great trip. I hope you enjoyed the weather.

I've actually been to both places, though not to the air base side of Gitmo. We spent three months there, I believe, but were moored and operated from the base area at the other side of the bay from the NAS facilities. Have been to NAS Jax for an airshow.


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Sometimes you read a book and you want to go there yourself

Know the feeling Dai! A great excuse for a flight (who needs an excuse...?) and an excellent set of shots - love the dusk light! Great stuff.


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