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About bochen280

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    Ground Staff

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  1. I heard that it costs $20 bucks or close to that amount.... I don't see enough value in that especially if Hawaii and Alaska are not connected and they are different maps somehow... Altogether if one purchased everything so far for just Hawaii and Alaska and some cockpitless DLC WWII aircraft the game/demo/freemium already cost more than full price of FSX when it came out. FLIGHT's "target audience" probably have better places to spend their money not to mention their time.
  2. From the DOS, to 95 then to 98 and XP was a huge change. We saw the transition from 16-bit applications to 32-bit apps and now 64-bit apps. There will never be a need for anything more, such as 128-bit OS. Again, for another example from a file system standpoint we went from FAT16 to FAT32 and then to NTFS. Windows Vista was supposed to have a new file system WinFS or something like that. But nope Win7 and even 8 are still using NTFS. There is nothing wrong with it and don't fix what isn't broken. It will take years if not decades to move the Internet from ipv4 to ipv6. We've been "transition
  3. Why are sites like these not on the DOD/DHS/ICE domain blacklist? The funny part is where they say: Take a "Take a look at these screenshots and judge for youself!" I recognize one of the "screenshots" as an artist intrepretation of the Boeing 787 cockpit stolen straight from the Boeing website ( http://www.boeing.com/news/frontiers/archive/2005/october/photos/oct_i_ca1.jpg ) I remember because when the 787 was first introduced I saw this pic.... how can it be a screenshot of their game? lol.... BTW with Tineye, and Google reverse image search it makes it much easier to spot fake pics and
  4. allardjd, Thanks for the welcome. I realize I am preaching to the choir here. It is not like I can preach anyplace else after Tom of Avsim personally banned/blacklisted me and MS FLIGHT blocked me from their flight forums and facebook page (I'm an MCSA/MCSE and FLIGHT beta tester too, so I'm not coming from an anti-MSFT just because I have nothing else better to do)... But I think when the emperor has no clothe it is time to call a spade exactly what it is. If you read the comments on the facebook.com/msflight it is obvious this is classic case of a company not listening to even their target
  5. Hello mutley, I'm not M31 nor do I have multiple accounts on this forum. I just signed up and have no idea who M31 is. I will say in the interest of full disclosure Tom from AVSIM personally banned me (as opposed to a moderator/admin/staff) from the site and forum not because I violated the TOS in any bona fide manner but because he publically called me out / singled me out on my anti-FLIGHT rhetoric and threatened to permanently ban me if I did not "cease and desist" in my bashing of Microsoft. I told him I felt he was erroneously, arbitrarily and capriciously biased in favor of Microsoft/FL
  6. Their next DLC should be in Vegas. The tagline should be : "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"
  7. Thanks. I'm still in shock and awe how the press release (Joshua Howard) promised it would be everything FSX was and more..... A number of you have asked, “Why did you drop ‘Simulator’ from the title of the game?” In addition to the FAQ on this topic, we want to directly address the concern that by dropping the “Simulator” from the name, we’re dumbing down the experience. Quite the contrary! We’ve developed on the “simulation” aspect for many years and have no intension of losing that legacy. What we’re doing now is improving the total experience while building on this legacy, enhancing the
  8. Short version: 1. "Creating the whole world is not one of our goals for Flight" 2. "Long-haul flight is not one of the scenarios that we believe is interesting" 3. "We felt we couldn't best balance our investments and appeal to a massive audience by building Flight Simulator 11" 4. "Our business is not about trying to please that kind of person" 5. "Returning to Flight Simulator is not something that is being actively considered today." /////////// Long version: After yet another cockpitless WWII DLC and a delayed Alaskian Wilderness pack it is pretty self-evident that not only is FLIG
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