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About Kokoro

  • Rank
    Ground Staff
  • Birthday 01/01/1970
  1. Awesome machine there Mutley :mrhappy: I prefer the look of the Prowler over the standard A-6. I have to admit that a few times, via a link on avsim, I find myself looking through the Alphasim catalogue. I say to myself, I want this I want that, but have never brought myself around to buying anything. I am tempted by the Firebrand and the Beaufighter, and the Scimitar. The Blenheim puts me off because I haven't seen a screenshot of the model with the turret retracted.
  2. The picture looks as if it was taken in the engine run pen at Cardiff http://kokorolibrary.net/photography/showpic_451.php
  3. q.q The aircraft hadn't even been delievered? Wasn't there once a Thai DC10 or maybe MD11 that wasn't chocked for full power engine runs and went off on its own with only engineers in the cockpit who didnt notice there was anything wrong til they hit an A300? I'm not sure how true that sory is but then there have been some odd aircraft destruction stories. Like the KC135 that was blown apart during pressure testing by an engineer using a home-made pressure gauge, and that is a true story.
  4. Weird stealth C130, things pass through it, probably cant be seen on radar either. :blink:
  5. Thanks for the link I tried to get some eclipse pics. One aviation related one I got was But its grainy and theres an old washing line pole in the picture. :dance:; http://kokorolibrary.net/photography/showpic_754.php is the eclipse pic on my gallery.
  6. I thought it looked like a Christmas Pud myself. It was a eery (spelling?)experience. The stars seemed to get brighter when the moon was orange/red.
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