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Gdn Newal

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Everything posted by Gdn Newal

  1. That's Milviz. Bought it last December when the prices dropped. I've had a few issues with Engine start up when running AH, no idea why. Seems to be okay when I use the semi-realistic mode. Oh and may I add, That's AI! But I've done a few bone head things too.
  2. I guess I could also ask on Just Flight forum but..... habit. After the flights the fuel burn is there. I can monitor and tweak mine. But how do I convert to USG/hr? Specific gravity calculations ?
  3. The company traffic for an semi annual meeting and BBQ in the Tournament town of B.C.
  4. OK, good G2, thanks! And may I add, I have alot of Orbx around the west. I just opened a base in Kamloops so I can do more low flying 206 type without the Rockies grind, but, what I want to say is that I would NEVER have seen a fraction of the Orbz airports and eye candy that they've put in their scenery if it weren't for 1046 ft runway fully loaded 208 jobs produced by buying AH. Version 2? Take my $. You earned it.
  5. Better to start a new company? I've noticed when I mix and match plane sizes the job listings become too wide a spread, which makes sense and not a complaint, but to that end..... If I have the Beaver Otter and the 185 sitting in Nanaimo BC as a separate co would that make more sense? Gord
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