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Everything posted by patrico

  1. patrico

    copy & paste

    Thanks Joe that worked fine was driving me mad
  2. patrico

    copy & paste

    hi, is their a certain procedure to follow to use cut an paste on here
  3. some great ideas Stephanie
  4. I meant NOT mine (that's what happens when you do not preview)
  5. your right Joe but for some reason mine
  6. thanks Joe just need to figure out how to save it
  7. Hi everyone where is the TOGA button ON the FSUIP calibration list that I can bind my joystick to or what I it called, also trim up and down
  8. Hi Stephanie I have well and truly banjacked the set up Matt did for me with FSUIPC so its back the drawing board and read the manual. I may download SPAD and check it out. Thanks for all of your help over the last few days.
  9. hi Steph and thank you so much. So far so good I was able to follow your instructions, unfortunately Matt did all the FUSIPC calibration as I know very little I have only one controller. can you also tell should the box engage controllers be checked or not
  10. forgot to mention STEPH this is the controller that comes with the yoke
  11. Thank you Steph for the reply. Its part of both I have the paid version of FSUIPC but the infamous FSXGenius set up the throttle and now I do not have a clue
  12. Hi everyone Hope all is well, question I have today is how do I calibrate the throttle component of my Saitek Pro Flights Yoke System. When I go to taxi and touch the throttle lever, it reacts like I have just reengaged TO GA
  13. no Chris not yet I have been waiting (it looks like in vain now)_ for some technical advice
  14. I have 2 controllers both Saitek, an X52 and a Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System, is it possible to use the X52 throttle controller on the Pro Flight Yoke system
  15. patrico

    Cosford 2015

    yes it was a slip of the finger Geoff but the clue was in the subject line which was not misspelled
  16. patrico

    Cosford 2015

    surprised have not seen it on here but Cosford 20015 has been announced for Sat October 3rd
  17. thanks guys, that simbreeze scenery is good, at last I can park my T7 even at 1 gate only,
  18. Thanks Brian & Mikael the simbreeze pay ware looks a lot better than the default airport which will not take my 777 even parking
  19. Hi everyone can anyone tell me here I can get TFS Tenerife South GCTS airport softtware
  20. Thanks Guys & Gal so much your sentiment and well wishes are very much appreciated. I wound never leave this site while I am still skimming, its just I do not have any spare time lately
  21. I have been flying daily and I am hoping to post a short video soon, showing that your advice was not wasted guys! But for now I have two questions. 1. Has Cosford 2015 been announced yet? 2. I have changed over joysticks to my Saitek X-52. How do I bind the hat switch to my FSX controls with for different views?
  22. patrico

    More problems

    panic over guys I had unplugged the mains cable by mistake last night and had not noticed. with help received on here, I had identified the problem by lunchtime but had to wait for wifey to get home @7 pm to plug the lead back in
  23. patrico

    More problems

    Thanks Joe I will have to wait until the wifey comes home tonight 7pm to check some of them things. on right clicking on the desktop and choosing screen resolution I only see 1 monitor before it used to be two. I suspect the USB cable to the monitor has become detached but as I said I will have to wait for the wifey to come home and check.(one of the disadvantages of being in a wheelchair)
  24. patrico

    More problems

    Hi Everyone, it seems every time I post on here, its to do with a problem looking back through my previous posts that is vindicated, but I am learning a lot from the hangar.................thank you all. Sometimes I have to nip over to the PMDG forum @ Avsim too obtain specialised help on my T7 as very few people on here fly PMDG aircraft. My question today involves work previous done by FSXGenius who we all know is now in prison. I have two monitors a normal PC 23" and a 50" TV one. I know its something to do with the settings but I am reluctant to experiment. For some reason my 2nd monit
  25. patrico

    SN+ REX

    Thanks Joe,on the information on Rex4 much appreciated, I have trackir installed figuring out very slowly how to use it.
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