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Craig Davo

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About Craig Davo

  • Rank
    Ground Staff
  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi Joe... me and Vicky are fine thanks, hope that you and your partner are also ok, thanks for asking ! Found this on Dynamic Drive forums... http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/showthread.php?t=320 Explains quite a bit me thinks. Thats a shame. I see you are using flash on the left... is that an SWF file ? I have a program for that called Swish Max, might give that a go but was looking for something that I could edit in html. Thanks for your reply Joe.
  2. Hiya Jo... you know on your old web site... did you use the scripts from Dynamic Drive ? and if so is it possible to run two on one page ? Im trying to add a news ticker and use the drop down button function but one cancels the other one out... http://www.infusionkendal.com Hiya guys, hope that you are all well !
  3. Did you mean Clockwise :blush :mrhappy:
  4. ohhh, i see, I was wondering how things worked. Ok, well I havent started yet so, my own fault for not reading the instructions on how you are planning your flights. Well, I will have to postspone as I was going to get the flight done this morning but, Mothers Day is here, so im off. I will check back later on to see what is happening. Thanks Mut.
  5. Great shots and nice flight ! Ok, I dont know if im doing this right but I will take up the next leg. From LTAG to ..... Will post the shots later on.
  6. Hiya buddy, glad to see you here too. Its another good source for FS related stuff. Nice to see so many faces on here. :blink: I need to sort out my AV and Sig...
  7. Lovley set of shots there Joe, story was good also. Keep up the good work m8.
  8. Hi Mutley, We had to leave as it didnt work out. We are both under going interviews this week. Just been for one this morning, its looking promising. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the comments lads. You know that I love helos, this is the cream ! I will be sure to look up your reviews JoeElwood, they sound a good read. Nice to be here Mut !
  10. Thanks Joe. Hey do I know you from the JF forums, I just dont recognise your name ?
  11. Craig Davo

    How do...

    Hello everyone... Its meeeeee. Glad to see you up and running !! Mutley I got round to re-registering :dance: Are there any jobs going ?
  12. Hi, here are a few edits I did a while ago.
  13. Holla Holla, Craig Davo is in the house :dance: Alright lads...
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