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Sherman Kaplan

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Everything posted by Sherman Kaplan

  1. Hi Lucy, Please join us at www.dc3airways.net for everything you want to know about the DC3 and its variations. We are a full service virtual airline with cooperative pilots able to help you every step of the way. Hope to see you soon! Sherm Sherman Kaplan Director PR DC3 AIRWAYS
  2. DC3 AIRWAYS ANNOUNCES ITS 2021 WORLD RALLY The DCA World Rally begins on Saturday October 16, 2021. It is open to all flight sim enthusiasts. DC3 Airways membership is NOT a requirement. Unfortunately, because MSFS2020 does not yet have a flyable DC3 or C-47 aircraft in its hangar, sim pilots will not be able to use that platform. However, flight descriptions and start up files are included for the other major sims including P3D, X-Plane and FSX. The schedule consists of ten flights from around the world, to be flown in a DC3/C-47. The rally will be spread over thirty d
  3. Thanks Joe, we have gotten some outside interest from simmers and this looks as if it will be a successful event. As always, we at DCA appreciate your support...and, while I have your attention, I will send a personal invitation for you to take part... Best wishes and hope you are staying safe. Sherm
  4. DC3 AIRWAYS PLANS HISTORIC WORLD WAR TWO REENACTMENT OF OPERATION VARSITY CREATED AND DIRECTED BY GLEN BROOME, VP OPERATIONS www.dc3airways.net DC3 Airways will be re-enacting the airborne component of the Rhine river assault of March 1945, the last natural barrier between the western allies and Germany. The event will be staged over two sessions, Saturday 20th and Tuesday 23rd March, both at 19:00z. All flight simulation pilots are invited to participate. There are packages with full effect files, flight plans, instructions and more for the 4 major pla
  5. While there has not been much information about what improvements this patch provides, one thing has become clear to me. If you like to use Little Nav Map with MSFS, you may have noticed the two together caused stuttering, if not a full slide show effect, making the sim unusable. Now, the patch seems to have installed a new simconnect which makes LNM and MSFS work together. Sherm
  6. Hi all, Thanks for your interest in the DCA rally. Here is the latest information The flight-plans and flight descriptions will be made available at September 26th. You can start your flights then and file PIREPS, but the results will be posted after the flight period is closed (for the first flight after October the 8th). There is more information posted now at the website to give you a feel of what to expect. http://dc3airways.net/wr/ Sherm
  7. Thanks, joe... Glen Broome pointed out that I left out some key links for historical information about Market Gardens. So, for everyone's dining and dancing pleasure :-) http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/battles_arnhem.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F437QdxfHE&t=1500s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EejtTsIeLHU&feature=youtu.be Sherm
  8. Greetings Fellow Pilots As Public Relations Manager for DC3 Airways (www.dc3airways.net) I am pleased to invite your participation in the upcoming recreation of the World War II Allied Mission over Europe, Operation Market Gardens. Pilots need not be a DCA member to participate, although your joining our pilot roster is always welcome and encouraged. We hope to see you in our Virtual Skies. Sherman Kaplan (shermank) Operation Market Garden 2020 1st flight - Saturday Feb 1st 2020 19:00z 2nd flight - Saturday Feb 29th 2020 19:00z A Brief History
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