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Everything posted by eland2705

  1. Before I went off gliding I managed a few more hours in the workshop. I have added a few of the controls: Rudder bars are now in place (still need to find someone who can weld aluminum to make the actual pedals) (The damper you see there is to give some feed back to the control column. It is a kitchen cabinet gas strut) The Control column: (I've decided that the ring at the top is too small, so that is being re made.) The undercarriage control is added, and has a press button activated by a cam on the back of the lever that will be programmed using Leo Bodnard's c
  2. Gents, Many thanks for the feedback and valuable advise. It is late on Sunday evening and I have just got in from a weekend on the aerodrome doing flight instruction with my Air Cadets. Whoever said the future of mankind is in jeopardy when he looked at today's youth, has obviously never spent time with the kids who join the Air Force Cadets program. I am truly privileged to work with such youngsters (and if you ever tell them that, I will deny every word....). I can also understand the spirit that made young men, not a lot older than my glider pilot kids, join the Air Forces of
  3. Thanks Stu, Needles, I investigated the UIAutomationCore.dll thing and thought that it is the answer, so I dowloaded the file off the internet. The gurus speak of the FSX folder, but either I am dense, or blind, but the only folder I can find is c:\program files (x86)\microsoft games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Is that where the file goes? Do i have to run regsvr32, and what do I do with the 64 bit warning? 'scuse the ignorance, pilot not tech geek here
  4. Frustrated! When I had a crappy little old PC running almost no resources at all I almost never got "Fatal Error" crashes. Now I have built a bespoke, top of the range, you beaut, PC with all the bells and whistles, FSx with the SpiT IX, FSUIPC and Simplugins panel builder runs fine....until you want to save or change anything. As soon as the menu is called - CRASH!!!!!!!! (The crash log means nothing at all - unless I suppose if you work for MS, and then I wonder) I have HIGHMEMFIXed it, check all the settings in FSX.CFG, I have searched though this forum, and done just about everyth
  5. This is where we are at the moment. Bulkheads all lined up, stringers glued and screwed in place
  6. I decided that I was not going to use shop bought controls, with apologies to Mr Saitek and Co. Leo Bodnar makes a great little board that interfaces with Microsoft Flight Simulator X, with the use of potentiometers and press buttons. (http://www.leobodnar.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=67&products_id=180) I spent 50 pounds (about 75 Oz dollars) of my pocket money and got one sent over by post. It gives you 6 inputs for pots and 30 buttons. I need another one now as I have to have 8 pots - elevators, ailerons, rudders, throttle, mixture, prop pitch, elevato
  7. Thanks for the positive comments Gentlemen. I photocopied the fuselage datum page on to A3 so I could read it) and started making little changes. Most importantly Mr Mitchell designed his masterpiece to be made in aluminum, I am using 12 and 9mm marine plywood. The first thing that goes would be strength, and the other would be not having a structural skin. That meant making it like a Guillows Balsa wood model with stringers. To get perfect symmetry I screwed two sheets of ply together and cut a half section, then plated them together. You can see the stringers standi
  8. So the first thing was to decide how much to do. In the end I chose from Bulkhead 7 back to BH 12 otherwise it would get too long, and not fit in my “Man Cave”. No ways SWMBO was going to allow this in the house!
  9. It all started when I bought a fantastic book on the internet from Canada. It contained every conceivable drawing, tech specs and photographs of one of the most beautiful aircraft in the world. Seeing as I will never get to fly a real one (Piper Warrior jockeys don’t get to do that!) I figured I would take all this information I now had in my possession and build a 1:1 scale cockpit of a Spit MK IX. Join me in biting off far more that I can chew (just as soon as I get the hang of posting photographs on this forum). Stephan. *A little later. Could someone point me in the direction
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