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About joespeed52

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    Ground Staff

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  • Name
    Joe Speed
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  1. Thank you for the information, Andrew. I am mostly driven by cost, only because I'd rather save it to spend on something more beneficial for me, than spend it on something disappointing. As for personal needs, I have about 6 A2A aircraft filling up my 'virtual hangar' because they seem to be the best at realism and beauty, so I'm pretty well stacked there... I'm only interested in the Mooney because it is the only modern M20 out there for FS, if you don't count the Carenado M20J, which is coming on at 10 years old this November... I only look for it as a fast, high altitude, cruisi
  2. What's the verdict? I'm waiting for the next sale to pick it up as of now, but that's tentative, so only if I know that it's worth it, I'll shell out the cash!
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