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About ARL

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    Ground Staff

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  1. Well my flabber has rarely been so gasted, particularly these days. For a variety of reasons I didn't have much time for the flights this year, so it was a case of pick a couple of faster aircraft and chuck them up the routes. Reporting leg 2 with the times of the other aircraft in each entry didn't do too much for the scores either! So to win a prize for the first time on a sim event while propping up the league table was quite a surprise. So I guess the lesson is to plough on regardless and just have fun. By the way if you keep research details for your VA on a USB stick, so that you can l
  2. And so to bed...departing on leg 4 with the Concordia over the Bristol channel On to the Husky and then the DA42, perhaps if I'd spent less time artsing around with the screenshots the time for this leg might have been registered. heading out over the Bristol channel to Wales in the XL2 then home for tea and crumpets
  3. Love the leg length, but enough of Pippa Middleton, and the subtle variation on the rules - so the following entries have a common addicted pilot. First the Concordia on Leg 1, well it was born round here. then climbing away from the touch and go on Leg 3 Then on to the aerodynamic finesse of the DA42 - complete with glass screen doo-hickeys and the smell of diesel in the morning. Departing St Mary's on leg 3 then going after touching Switching to a single engine, finally justifying the guilty impulse buy of the XL2 (not a word to SWMBO) and pottering along leg 2 then turn
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