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Posts posted by PanzerFodder

  1. Great shots and very nice scenery..

    Wonder how long before the man from the circus splashes out - come on Graham you know you want to, just look what you're missing :P

    Good job James :thum:

    Don't think I can get the A340-600 in there TBO buddy,(Oh! I forgot to tell you about that one didn't I??? :th_blush: )

    I might even through the money at the A2A P51 instead ;) (maybe? :cool: )


  2. There seems to be a lot of that going around these days. Sabotage I mean ^_^

    Maybe its time to get me a watchdog before it strikes me :P

    Must be Birdman's terminator shorting out the circuit boards when he flies over your bases.

    It's "Hasta la vista, baby" to your company files and systems when that guys around :whis:


  3. Thanks Graham,

    A nicely produced video.

    P3D will be the way I will progress as I will be able to use hundreds if not thousands of GBP spent on software in a familiar but more efficient environment.

    I am hoping not to have to upgrade my hardware for a few years, it's worth it just for that!

    I know what you mean Joe, I dread to think what I have spent on FSX add-ons over the last 12 months, if they ever make P3D able to use all add-on from FSX, I would save up and buy it ;) .

    BTW: about mid way through the video, did you notice that landing craft leaving the carrier? well I'm pretty sure its avalible for FSX as a free download (please follow link) https://silvercloud-...roduct_id=29817


  4. I see it has Display Connectors: 2x Dual-Link DVI-I & 1x Mini-HDMI 1.4a (Includes HDMI & VGA Adapters)

    Does that mean you can use 3 displays?

    Well, If it does! how the heck is he going to explain to his wife that he needs to buy another two monitors as well :rofl:


  5. Superb choice of card, that one was #1 on my shopping list (just that they all sold out in a couple of hours when they were on sale at my PC store :( )

    Now go back and buy another one, so you can do SLI as that setup will humble even the 580 superclocked cards, and more than likely give the new 670 a kick in the nuts as well ;) .


    BTW: make sure that you register it at the EVGA site, their customer support in the best on the planet IMO, also then you will be in the upgrade program, and if the 660 cards are killers when they appear on the market you can upgrade to one of them on the cheap ;) .

    install the EVGA precision program that should be on your install disk, it will make taking FSX screen shots a breeze, I used mine all the time untill I got the Asus card ;) .

  6. keep your 580 Joe,

    I don't think the spending all the money on the GTX680 is going to make FSX look any better to the naked eye, unless you know something, I don't about these new cards ;) .


    BOT: @ Graeme, never buy another bloody thing from them again, just grab what money they give you and get whatever you can for it, then never look at their website again :gaah:

  7. Have you asked Overclockers what they would reccomend?

    Also I know it will mean putting more money to it but have you looked at this:


    At least its futured by allowing you to run 6 screens


    Thanks James, it is tempting but I'm angling towards NVidia again at the minute plus it's a little more money hmmm.... not sure

    If you have 200 quid to play with have a look at some of the GTX560Ti cards with 448 cores.


    Thanks Graham I've had a look and found these two. I like the Gigabyte one (it matches my motherboard :) )

    ASUS (think this might be yours?) http://www.scan.co.u...ores-2x-dl-dvi-

    GIGABYTE http://www.overclock...914&subcat=1854

    Yes it is mine, cant you see the links I put in my post then???


  8. I told you all along it was your PSU! :sorry: .

    If you have 200 quid to play with have a look at some of the GTX560Ti cards with 448 cores.

    I just got this one myself, last weekend http://www.scan.co.uk/products/1280mb-asus-gtx-560-ti-directcu-ii-40nm-3800mhz-gddr5-gpu-732mhz-shader-1464mhz-448-cores-2x-dl-dvi-

    Must say that this ASUS card has impressed me a lot, and I was a huge EVGA fan before I found this lovely little thing on sale at my local PC Store. (thats a joke, I was gobsmacked by the size of the thing when I opened the box :faint:)

    The biggest down side with this ASUS card is that it takes up 3 slots, yep its a fat little bugger so not a good choice if you want to do SLI.

    By what I have read on the forums these new GTX560Ti 448 boards are really 570's with a few cores deactivated ;) . (find the ASUS GTX570 and compare the two, every detail is the same except the number of cores, it even has 1280mb of DDR5 on board as well :) ).

    I should also mention that I have indeed seen some better performance in FSX, and have been able to crank up the AS with no loss to my FPS, although I think that the $250 I payed was a high price for such a small performance gain over the GTX260 superclocked that I had before. :whis:

    Review of some 560 448 core cards http://www.hardwareh...troduction.html they seem pretty much on par with your old ATI6950 TBO, just a couple of frames per sec faster in most cases, so I would think that getting a standard 560Ti would be a bit of a step backwards for you m8y, and with only half the ram :( .


    PS: Those new GTX670 cards are real killers if you can afford one, I saw a review were one of those things made a 580 look silly, or on the other hand you could always stuggle on with your old 260 for a bit. while we wait for the GTX660 to arrive and see what that one has to offer ;).

  9. There he goes again, playing around with stuff he doesn't understand right on top of a fresh install :P . (sabre I meant, not mike the bike)

    Thought you bought REX from the flightsim store? if you did just go to your account and down load the FULL 4.25 GB version of REXE . (just deleat all your old REX2 stuff and start the FSS installer ;) ).

    Don't even think about trying to get the old REX overdrive to work with the new REXE, if you check their forum they say that a NEW REXE-OD will be realeased within a week or two :) .


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